- 2009年3月18日(水)
- アブストラクト提出期限
- 2009年6月30日(火)
- 論文(フルペーパー)提出期限
- 2009年9月10日(木)
- 発表用パワーポイントスライド提出期限
- 筆頭著者はアブストラクト応募の際、下記1~5の論文分類テーマより1つを選んでください。
- アブストラクトは英文で300 wordsで、Wordファイルにてご用意ください。
- 本文には論文分類テーマとタイトルを明示してください。
- (共)著者名、所属、連絡先を含めてください。
- グラフや図表は入れないでください。
- 一般的でない略語は最初にフルスペルで表記してください。
1. Social security and corporate pensions in Asia
- Characteristics and trend of social security and corporate pensions in each Asian country
2. Accounting for post employment benefits
- Accounting reforms; development of more transparent accounting and reporting standards for corporate pensions
- Actuarial profession in new accounting standards
3. Corporate (private) post employment benefits
- Enterprise Risk Management and pension plans
- Can DB plans survive? (The Decline in DB plans)
- Development and growth of hybrid and cash balance pensions
- Development of bulk buyouts of corporate pensions and mortality securities
- Annuity design innovations; development of risk sharing designs
- Delaying retirement
4. Investment of pension plan assets
- Investment strategy and tactics
- More investment choices in DC plans
5. Social security
- Pension coverage and income adequacy
- Financing the increased longevity and the low fertility
- Introduction of individual account in social security plan
- The development and growth of mandatory DC plans
- Practice of notional accounts for social security
Papers are not restricted by these detailed topics listed above, and the relating topics are welcomed.