Privacy policy
The Japanese Society of Certified Pension Actuaries (“The society”) recognizes the importance of the protection of Personal Information, treats Personal Information strictly pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the relevant laws and regulation, or the like, and establishes privacy policy as follows.
1.Acquisition of personal information
The society will acquire every personal information, starting with member’s personal information, in an appropriate and fair manner.
2.Use of personal information
(1)The society will use, to the extent necessary for the purpose of use which we indicated when we acquired personal information, only when necessary to accomplish our activities.
(2)When the society uses personal information jointly with a third party, or entrusts a third party handling personal information, the society will examine the entity strictly, and supervise it to the extent necessary and appropriate for the purpose of keeping personal information safely.
3.Providing personal information to third parties
The society will not provide any personal information to third parties without respective prior consent except for when it is based on laws.
4.Management of personal information
(1)The society will keep accuracy of personal information, and manage it safely.
(2)The society will manage personal information appropriately, and will take a security measure to prevent them from leakage, loss, damage, or the like.
5. Disclosure or correction of personal information
When a person asks to the society to disclose or correct the personal information of himself/herself, the society will take steps to disclose or correct, only when the society can confirm the request is from himself/herself.
6. Organization for personal information
(1)The society will appoint the president as the general manager of personal information, and will operate an appropriate management.
(2)The society will train staffs or the like about a protection of personal information and a method of an appropriate management, and make them fully understand an appropriate treatment of personal information.
Please read the Privacy Policy above, and if you agree, please select the “agree”.
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