Purpose and Business

The JSCPA is a professional organization of Certified Pension Actuaries who are in general engaged in pension actuarial services for Employees’ Pension Funds, National Pension Funds and Defined Benefit Corporate Pension Plans. Its purpose and business are as follows.


The purpose of the Society shall be to engage in activities necessary to help widely diffuse and develop pension systems, including contributions to enhancing the financial well-being and welfare of citizens by striving to enhance the skill levels and uphold the integrity of the actuarial profession, and progressively improve pension actuarial services.


  1. To establish, amend, and abolish standard of practice necessary to engage in services concerning the funding of Employees’ Pension Funds and Defined Benefit Corporate Pension Plans
  2. To establish, amend, and abolish standard of practice necessary to engage in services concerning post-employment benefit accounting
  3. To establish, amend, and abolish standard of practice necessary to engage in services concerning Defined Contribution Pension Plans
  4. To establish, amend, and abolish a code of Professional Conduct to uphold the integrity of members
  5. To conduct research and study to progressively improve pension actuarial services
  6. To engage in activities for training and education to enhance the skill levels of members and to progressively improve pension actuarial services
  7. To conduct knowledge and skill examinations to determine the satisfaction of membership requirements
  8. To administer materials relating to the register of Certified Pension Actuaries
  9. To transmit information such as by issuing and publishing bulletins, public-relations periodicals, and other publications
  10. To engage in any activities necessary to accomplish the purpose provided for in the preceding article other than those activities stated in each of the preceding items


The Society has been conducting various activities, such as publishing proposals and comments, establishing actuarial standards, and providing conferences for the efficient operation and development of Employees’ Pension Funds, National Pension Funds and Defined Benefit Corporate Pension Plans. The details are as follows.

Proposals and Comments

The latest examples

・October 7, 2019 Clarification request on ISAP 1 to IAA
・March 19, 2019Proposal on amendments of regulations of corporate pension plans for their coverage enhancement
・July 19, 2018Comments on IAA’s Final Draft of revisions to IASP1
・February 6, 2018Comments on ASBJ’s Exposure Draft “Tentative Practical Solution Regarding the Effective Dates of Practical Issues Task Force No.34”
・October 30, 2017Comments on IAA’s Exposure Draft of revisions to IASP1

Development of Actuarial Standards of Practice

  • Actuarial Standard of Practice in relation to funding of Employees’ Pension Funds
  • Actuarial Standard of Practice in relation to funding of Defined Benefit Corporate Pension Plans
  • Actuarial Standard of Practice in relation to post-employment benefits accounting
  • Actuarial Guidance in relation to post-employment benefits accounting
  • Actuarial Standard of Practice in relation to IAS 19 Employee Benefits


  • Research on pensions
  • Reading/reference list
  • Workshop of young members


  • Special Speech and Open Seminars
  • Conferences
  • E-learning courses

Public Relations

  • Bulletin of “Certified Pension Actuaries”
  • Websites maintenances

International Relations

  • A full member of the IAA (The International Actuarial Association) (since September 19, 1999)
  • Sending members to international meetings and colloquia
  • Networking events with pension professionals of foreign actuarial associations

Educational Activities

  • Knowledge and skill examinations to determine the satisfaction of membership requirements
  • Supporting “Pension Actuarial Mathematics Course” at graduate schools
  • Publication of books related to corporate pension plan

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  • Message from the Chairman
  • Purpose and Business
  • Outline
  • Statutes
  • successive
  • Committees and Task Forces, and their Roles
  • Code of Professional Conduct and Disciplinary Regulations
  • Due Process for Actuarial Standards of Practice and Actuarial Guidance
  • Continuing Professional Development Program